Dear friends! This Sirhali font is created in order to get the maximum comfort and fastness to write in Nepali font.Why I have decided to make this font?-Because I have used many nepali fonts and there are more points which are not equivalent with English symbols.
In my font you can find the following advantages:
0.The font is available with Mathematical symbols.
1.The font is equivalent to English keys,so that anyone who knows english well and have quick writing, can write here in Nepali fastly.
2.The font style is completely shorten in order to use concrete symbols and its' forms.
Installation: Here I shortly explain you how the Sirhali arbin Nepali font is to be installed in your PC:
0.You have saved "sirhali.ttf" file in your hard disk.If you lost,nothing! download now from here.
1.Go to start-->control panel-->font,and click it to open.
2.Go to File-->Install font,and click,the dialog box appears.
3.Select "sirhali.ttf" file from where you saved.(Before it, better save the file into c: or d: directory)
4.Click Ok.The font is installed. Now you can work by selecting"sirhali arbin" from format-->font always.
5. If it is not working, restart your computer.
Here are keyboard Views:

This Image introduce you with symbols for your keyboard when keyboard is in Normal form.Double click the image to see in large.

keyboard in it to see in large size!

This Image introduce you with symbols for your keyboard when keyboard is in CAPS LOCK form.Double click the image to see in large.

keyboard in it to see in large size!

This Image introduce you with symbols for your keyboard when keyboard is with SHIFT PRESSED form.Double click the image to see in large.

keyboard in it to see in large size!

CopyRight By Arbin,2001. ContactFor Any questions.

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